I'm Emily and this is my brand spanking new lifestyle blog!
I'm going to be throwing in whatever takes my fancy from food to travel to fashion as I pootle along through my degree. At the moment I'm in my second year of my English degree staying up late in bed with cheeky Chaucer. I used to sell my paintings of flowers and I have a part time job working with Kumon. My official title is 'one of the markers' but I get to sit with the littlest humans whilst they learn their reading and writing which is the sweetest thing.
Expect to see a bucket of yummy recipes, beauty reviews (I am a makeup FANATIC), and to-do lists for wonderful cities in the world.
I love travelling and I take on every experience I can whether good or bad. Generally it goes a bit tits up, but at least if it does it'll make for a funny blog post right?
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