Liebster Award

Well I owe the lovely Alanta from Alanta's Alley a huge thank you as she's nominated me for the Liebster Award! Thank you Alanta, and I'm super glad I got the chance to check out your blog as it's lovely.

  • I thank the blogger who tagged me.
  • I say 11 facts about me.
  • I answer the 11 questions written by the person who tagged me.
  • I write my own 11 questions.
  • I tag 11 up and coming bloggers.


  1. I'm addicted to travelling and in 2013 managed to step foot in 10 countries
  2. I'm also addicted to banana Nesquik, and drank it far more than 10 times in 2013
  3. I have a giant stuffed carrot cushion, with a happy face and little limbs, called Percy (who needs men, right?)
  4. I'm a fan-girl for Shakespeare
  5. I plan on studying Law after I graduate in English
  6. I have huge authority issues and love conspiracy theories
  7. I can't walk in high heels (but I can run in them)
  8. I once won a competition for being a baked bean
  9. I never learned how to ride a bicycle
  10. When I'm feeling really down, I treat myself to new underwear and Cadbury Pots of Joy. Always.
  11. I love everything about the process of putting my makeup on, and take as much time as I can

  1. What are you mostly looking forward to?
    I'm a fan of the 'happily ever after' ending... I look forward to owning a house and having a family. I can wait though!
  2. Do you have an idol? If so who?
    Not really... I admire my mother and other people in my family, but the idea of shaping myself to be like an idol is boring to me. That being said, I'd kill to look like Katy Perry.
  3. If you won a lot of money what would you do with it?
    Halve it. Half goes to responsible savings, future plans, and helping out my mum and dad. The other half goes to travelling the world. 
  4. Where would you like to travel to?
    I've never ventured west! A big old American road trip and a stint backpacking South America would be grand.
  5. If you had one wish, what would you use it for?
    Personally speaking, I'd wish that whatever happened in my future, I'd be happy with it. Globally, it seems selfish to not wish for world peace and all that malarky. That probably comes first.
  6. If you could have your hair any colour what would it be?
    I'd love really sexy fiery red hair, but I don't think I'd be able to pull it off... I actually love being a brunette! Brunettes have more fun for sure!
  7. Do you regret anything? 
    Plenty. So much. But I like to tell myself that everything happens for a reason. And it does!
  8. Do you have any pets? If not would you like one?
    Sadly not. I'd love a King Charles cavalier spaniel puppy.
  9. Who's your favourite blogger? 
    Ooooh that's tough... I love the blogs and Youtubes of Vivianna Does Makeup and Amelia Liana at the moment, and also Becca Rose.
  10. What would you tell your self if you could go back in time?
    Suck it up and play sports at school. Remember that friendships last longer than relationships. SMILE MORE (I have chronic resting bitchface)
  11. Do you have a favourite item? If so what is it?
    A hardback copy of Shakespeare's complete collection with gilted edges. It's a beaut.

  1. What is your dream career?
  2. How often do you have no-makeup days?
  3. What's the weirdest food you've ever eaten?
  4. How many languages can you speak?
  5. Where is your favourite place in the world?
  6. What's on your to-do list for tomorrow?
  7. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
  8. What's your favourite item of clothing at the moment?
  9. Where do you see yourself in 5 years time? (And did you get Noah & The Whale stuck in your head just then like I did? We could be walking in a zooooo)
  10. What do you do in your spare time, other than blog?
  11. Why did you start your blog?


Writing Essays With Wine

These are blogs that I'm loving at the moment, some are bigger than others (so apologies if you've already had the award before), but it's surprisingly difficult to keep open millions of tabs of bloggers who aren't huge whilst finding more new blogs at the same time! In fact, link me below to your blogs, I need to find more to read. 

Thanks again! xoxo


  1. Thanks so much for the nomination, love your post :) x

  2. Thanks for the nomination :D I love travelling too, wish I could go more often it's just so expensive and Im a poor student.

    Emma x
    Writing Essays With Wine




If you have any questions or enquiries please feel free to contact me! You can reach me at or on Twitter with the handle @hellofromemily


A lifestyle and travel blog by a 22 year old living in Hong Kong.

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